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A. Dr. Vimal College of Nursing - Part of St. John's Group of Institutions
  • Career Support Services of
    A. Dr. Vimal College of Nursing

Career Opportunities and Employment

As a nurse, you can work in specialized health care centers, clinics, wards, operating rooms, mental health offices, in home care, in companies of the nursing and caring field and international work.


Career guidance and planning experts support students in recognizing their personal strengths and weaknesses, their career options and the consequences of these options. Students are guided in identifying their competences and goals in relation to the qualification requirements from working life at global and local levels. These goals are supported by the Network to 'Get Work' events and in the Career planning study units.

Campus interviews

We organize campus interviews at our campus from reputed hospitals regularly every year.

Almost all our students are placed in highly reputed hospitals during the different rounds of interviews.

Eligibility for Further Studies 

After graduation as Bachelor of Science in Nursing and 1 year of relevant work experience, you will be eligible for the Master's degree programmes. You can also develop additional competences through participation in continuing education programmes, which can be completed while working.